Outside of Lakelands
Public Schools
Residents of Lakelands attend Montgomery County Public Schools, the 17th largest school system in the United States.
Montgomery County Public Schools
850 Hungerford Drive
Rockville, Maryland 20850
Rachel Carson Elementary School
100 Tschiffely Square Road
Gaithersburg, MD 20878
Gaithersburg, MD 20878
(240) 740-1840
Principal: Denise Hammond
School hours: 9:00 a.m. - 3:25 p.m.
Bus service is provided to Lakelands children.
Lakelands Park Middle School
1200 Main Street
Gaithersburg, Maryland 20878
Principal: Deborah Higdon
School hours: 8:15 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
No bus service is provided to Lakelands students.
Quince Orchard High School
15800 Quince Orchard Rd.
Gaithersburg, Maryland 20878
(301) 840-4686
Principal: Elizabeth Thomas
School hours: 7:45 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
No bus service is provided to Lakelands students
City of Gaithersburg
With more than 70,000 residents, Gaithersburg is one of the largest cities in Maryland. The City has an elected, five-member City Council, which serves as the legislative body of the city. The City has its own police department, which was created in 1963. Additionally they offer a variety of public facilities in which to meet and hold activities, as well as conduct the business of running the City and a full calendar of community events. The City's website provides a wealth of information.
Voting Districts & Government Representation
Lakelands is located in U.S. Congressional District 6, represented by Congressman John Delaney; Maryland State Senate District 17, represented by Senator Cheryl Kagan; and Legislative District 17, represented by Delegates Kumar P. Barve, James W. Gilchrist and Andrew Platt. The local polling location is Rachel Carson Elementary School, 100 Tschiffely Square Road (in Kentlands).
Utilities & More
Comcast: 800-266-2278
Pepco (electric): 202-833-7500
Verizon: 800-837-4966
Washington Gas: 800-752-7520
WSSC (water): 800-828-6439
Pepco (electric): 202-833-7500
Verizon: 800-837-4966
Washington Gas: 800-752-7520
WSSC (water): 800-828-6439
City of Gaithersburg: 301-258-6300
MVA: 800-950-1682
Shady Grove Hospital: 301-279-6000
Shady Grove Hospital: 301-279-6000